Bio-Kult Advanced, probiótico con fórmula multicepa para el sistema digestivo – 60 Cápsulas


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¿Qué son las bacterias vivas? Bio-Kult contiene bacterias vivas que complementan la flora intestinal naturalmente presente en el sistema digestivo de las personas sanas. Nuestro intestino alberga miles de millones de microorganismos, incluidos distintos tipos de bacterias a las que conocemos como «microbioma intestinal». Estas bacterias se encuentran de forma natural en el tubo gastrointestinal de todas las personas y desempeñan un papel importante en el mantenimiento de nuestro bienestar general. ¿Porqué un producto multicepa en lugar de uno monocepa? Puesto que el intestino de todos los seres humanos alberga cientos de cepas bacterianas distintas, se considera que un suplemento multicepa replica con mayor exactitud esta diversidad. ¿Qué es la disbiosis intestinal? En ocasiones, el equilibrio de las bacterias en el intestino puede descompensarse por cualquier enfermedad, una dieta pobre y/o el uso de antibióticos (que acaban con las bacterias necesarias de nuestro sistema)y provocar una disbiosis intestinal. Para recuperar el equilibrio del sistema digestivo, debes mantener una dieta rica en frutas y verduras de todos los colores y prestar una ayuda adicional a tu intestino tomando suplementos bacterianos. Al igual que el resto de productos Bio-Kult, no necesita refrigeración. Nuestro suplemento alimenticio galardonado ha sido desarrollado por científicos e incluye una avanzada fórmula multicepa que contiene 14 cultivos bacterianos vivos que actúan en el sistema inmunitario. Ingredientes: Cultivos de bacterias vivas (LECHE, SOJA), espesante (celulosa microcristalina), cápsula vegetal (hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa). Modo de uso Modo de uso*: Tomar 1-2 cápsulas una o dos veces al día con las comidas. Si tomas antibióticos: 4 cápsulas diarias, preferiblemente sin que coincidan con los antibióticos. Continuar durante al menos 2 semanas tras acabar el ciclo de antibióticos. Si vas a salir de viaje: Sigue las instrucciones de uso generales una semana antes de viajar. Mientras estés de viaje, toma 4 cápsulas al día. Continúa durante al menos 1 semana después de volver del viaje. Menores de 12 años: La mitad de la dosis para adultos. Embarazo: Aunque Bio-Kult puede tomarse durante el embarazo, recomendamos siempre consultar con el médico o profesional sanitario antes de tomar suplementos alimenticios. Advertencia de seguridad: Los suplementos alimenticios nunca deben sustituir a una dieta variada y un estilo de vida saludable. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. Almacenar en un lugar fresco y seco protegido de la luz solar. Consultar la base para conocer la fecha de caducidad. Embarazo: Aunque Bio-Kult puede tomarse durante el embarazo, recomendamos siempre consultar con el médico o profesional sanitario antes de tomar suplementos alimenticios. No superar la dosis diaria recomendada. Si tomas medicación o padeces una enfermedad concreta, consulta con tu médico antes de tomar suplementos alimenticios. Contenido de la caja 60 x Cápsulas vegetarianas Información de contacto del fabricante: Lopen Head, Somerset, TA13 5JH, RU
Descatalogado por el fabricante ‏ : ‎ No
Dimensiones del producto ‏ : ‎ 12,95 x 7,62 x 4,57 cm; 0,08 g
Producto en desde ‏ : ‎ 6 agosto 2012
Fabricante ‏ : ‎ Protexin
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B004SH1PAU
Número de modelo del producto ‏ : ‎ F7054-B

Bio-Kult contiene 14 cepas de bacterias vivas que complementan la flora intestinal naturalmente presente en el sistema digestivo de las personas sanas
Los microorganismos presentes en el intestino, que reciben el nombre colectivo de microbiota, son esenciales para la salud
Contiene Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum, Bacillus subtilis y 11 cepas más de bacterias vivas (consulta la lista completa de cepas al final de la página)
Compatible con antibióticos y apto para bebés, niños, embarazadas y personas con dietas vegetarianas. Además, puede tomarse mientras se viaja y como parte de una dieta saludable. Sin OMG
Si tomas medicación o padeces una enfermedad concreta, consulta con tu médico antes de tomar suplementos alimenticios
Utilizado en el Servicio Nacional de Salud británico (NHS).


13 reviews for Bio-Kult Advanced, probiótico con fórmula multicepa para el sistema digestivo – 60 Cápsulas

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  1. Luis

    Buen Producto
    Lo probé un par de días y me ha ido genial

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  2. Ramones

    Facil de tomar
    Facil de tomar y me sienta bien.

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  3. Cliente Amazon

    Buena cálida relación precio, además de tener 14 cepas diferentes
    Es la segunda vez que compro estos probioticos y me parece que están muy bien porque tienen 14 cepas diferentes. Yo lo combino con otra cepa de probioticos y probioticos para completarlo.

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  4. Ignacio

    Buen precio y envío rápido.
    La composición es muy buena. Es un suplemento de probióticos muy completo que combina 14 cepas diferentes de lactobacilos y bífidobacterias. Esta diversidad de microorganismos es muy útil para mejorar el bienestar intestinal cuando sea necesario.Es difícil encontrar un suplemento de calidad y tan variado a este precio.Aporta una cantidad elevada de UFC y la cápsula es de pequeñas dimensiones, lo que se agradece. Además, la cápsula se puede abrir, no como las de otros probióticos.No contiene gluten ni lactosa.Hemos adquirido este producto en un par de ocasiones a este vendedor y siempre ha resultado satisfactorio.

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  5. Mireia

    De lo mejor del mercado en España
    Uno de los probióticos más completos que podemos encontrar en España. He sufrido h. Piloto y el tratamiento con antibióticos me dejó completamente destrozada por dentro, estos probióticos me han ayudado muchísimo.

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  6. Claudia Flores

    probiotico de alta calidad
    He estado tomando este probiotico por varios meses y siempre me ha resultado excelente, es necesario tener una flora intestinal saludable para estar sano y este probiotico es uno de los únicos en el mercado en los que yo confío!

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  7. Luis

    Bien sin más
    Me encuentro mejor del estómago, gases y pesadez, aunque para la rosacea no creo que me haya ayudado demasiado, ya que aún tengo los granitos de la cara..

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    Buen producto. Buen precio
    Muy buen producto. Práctico al no ser necesario conservación en frigo. Tiene buen precio. La calidad se le presupone que es buena. Satisfecho con el producto-precio-utilidad.

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  9. sudarsha

    This probiotic is the only one that will not iriitate my stomach. A great product.

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  10. Ale

    Prodotto ottimo, lo uso da tempo e ho visto grandi miglioramenti nella digestione ma anche nella prevenzione di malanni stagionali 💯

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  11. J. Prior

    I recently started taking Bio-Kult Advanced Multi-Strain for Digestive System Capsules. I was hoping for general help with dysbiosis and to rebalance my gut, as I’m 58 and think I drink too much alcohol and this might be damaging my gut flora, and knock-on effect is causing further issues with my ageing and immune system, inflammation, aches/pains, etc. Physically I’m fairly fit, eat good food and have a healthy diet, walk my dogs every day, and do fairly taxing manual labour, I’m the right weight for my height (12.5 stone), but feeling a bit old now. I take a daily vitamin tablet.Day 1: I took 2 capsules with my meal on the first evening I received them to give my body a «good hit» to get me started, and no alcohol!Day 2: Took 2 more with my breakfast (probiotic supplements are best taken in the morning with, or just after, breakfast because the acid in our stomach is at its lowest level in the morning, and this acidity is buffered still further with food in the stomach). Bio-Kult say their probiotics are able to pass through the stomach without the acid destroying them. (They also say their capsules have a 2 year shelf-life and do not require storing in the fridge as required by some «live» probiotics products. Bio-Kult contains milk/soya but below levels that would affect lactose intolerance sufferers).With my evening meal I had another 1 capsule.Day 3: Took 1 capsule with water next morning before my dog walk.6 tablets in total so far.Walking along in the field I noted I must have had a good nights sleep, because even though I was feeling some aches and pains, I was feeling remarkably refreshed and also had quite a clear head. I often have aches/pains next morning which dissipate during the day, and I’ve had a foggy brain for what seems like years.But there was something else different which I couldn’t put my finger on for quite a while. I felt a bit like I had a summer cold, with a slightly runny nose. And then, bang, it suddenly dawned on me that all my hayfever symptoms had gone!!!For the last 6 weeks almost every day I’ve had the typical itchy eyes, itchy ears, runny and itchy back of nose/throat and congestion, and although its rare for me to get asthma I have been wheezing a bit. I was dumbfounded.So I wondered if it was just a light pollen day? Checking my phone MET office app, forecast says «HIGH grasses pollen peak season, also spores/weed pollen, nettle & pellitory-of-the-wall MEDIUM today», same as yesterday. So I wondered about placebo effect and resigned myself to the idea I would get back home and then the sneezing, itchiness would come on as normal. It didn’t.Often if my hayfever gets too bad I will take Ceterizine Hydrochloride which works best for me without me getting too sleepy, but I won’t take it if I can manage without it. The last 4 or 5 days I’ve not taken any, but my hayfever has constantly been there all day at different levels of severity.What!? Why has my hayfever just suddenly and almost completely disappeared at the peak of the hayfever season? I feel quite normal apart from this slight summer cold. I realised the only possible thing different is the Bio-Kult. So I googled «probiotics hayfever» and found some interesting articles about how probiotics can help the immune system and reduce histamine production in the body;Quote: «Lactobacillus Casei has been shown to reduce the immune response in hay fever and also beneficially alter the balance of pollen-specific antibodies in the blood which can lead to a reduction of symptoms. It also contains Bifidobacterium Longum this probiotic can greatly help the immune system. This probiotic is also involved in reducing the number of antibodies that we produce in relation to pollen allergies.»Wow! I had just received my own personal proof that these probiotics are having a very beneficial effect on my body. I don’t think I can say that this kind of positive reaction could be the result of a placebo effect? Hayfever can be so uncontrollable and worsen so quickly, especially if you get a sneezing fit, and you have no way to prevent it without antihistamines, or relief using nasal sprays, eye solutions, etc.All day long, I’ve been waiting for the hayfever to come on. I’ve been working outside on quite a hot, dry day with a mild breeze. I’m sure I can feel the itchy twinges at the back of my nose, but I’m just not reacting to it.I was certainly hoping for probiotics to be able to help with some of my ailments, but this was a completely out-of-the-blue, unexpected and extremely welcome benefit.One other thing I wanted to mention. When I was reading Amazon reviews for various probiotics products, it seemed that a lot of people gave negative reviews related to ill effects after taking them. I wondered how many of them realise that when you start taking probiotics they often kick-start the immune system into a full body detox, where the good multi-strain bacteria begin to oust any pathogen bacteria, fungal infections, candida and other bad stuff. This is called «die-off» and can result in some nasty symptoms if you’re going too fast, e.g. nausea, headaches, diarrhea, bloating, gas. You may need to start with a small dose, and slowly increase over a number of days/weeks. Some people are more sensitive and others may have a lot more nasties in their bodies. If in doubt about your current health and taking probiotics, talk to your GP.Here’s some info on it:-«Eager to enjoy the benefits of digestive health, you start taking them and suddenly start feeling worse. Before you throw in the towel and swear-off all probiotics for eternity, you might be experiencing the signs that they’re actually working! You might be having die-off symptoms and just need to ease into it and get the combination correct. More commonly known in the scientific community as the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction, or the Herx reaction, die-off symptoms can encompass a wide range of adverse reactions to toxins released by the bacteria and/or fungus that are being killed. First described by dermatologists Adolf Jarisch and Karl Herxheimer in the early 1900’s as side effects from taking antibiotics for the treatment of syphilis, die-off reactions can occur if bad bacteria are being killed by the probiotic strains that you’re taking. While we are used to thinking of probiotics as the good bacteria that lives in our favourite yoghurt that confer a host of health benefits, these powerhouse microbes are actually quite effective at killing off their bad neighbours.» Google «probiotics die off» to learn more.My guess is that a truly healthy person would not feel any benefit whatsoever from taking probiotics, on the assumption you would have all the right types of bacteria in your gut already. Although I’m reasonably fit and have not experienced any serious die-off symptoms, the hayfever reduction has proved two things to me a) probiotics work, b) my gut-flora was compromised (probably by alcohol, tiredness/stress, and no doubt I could benefit from improving my diet more). I must have been missing at least Lactobacillus Casei and Bifidobacterium Longum, right?I’m not affiliated with Bio-Kult and this is my genuine review.Yes, really only 3 days after I started taking Bio-Kult, and writing this another 5 days later still no hayfever. There may be other benefits that may yet manifest in time, but I feel this is a very good start.Good luck.

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  12. Addy

    These are some sort of miracle probiotics. I am lost for words, the pain in my gut from ulcers has been something I have learned to live with in the past few years. I am mid 30s very healthy but the ulcers have kept me feeling shit at times. The Dr keeps giving me meds to reduce stomach acid which is a band aid, even thought I eat a strictly healthy diet they have reduced but not gone away. Then I googled some solutions and one of them was these probiotics. Man these things are magic. It’s only been a week and the ulcer pain is down 1/10. The more I use them I feel the gut environment is getting better. I honestly felt like crying for a min, the whole issue has been so debilitating for me. I would for sure recommend this to others too.

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  13. Client d’Amazon

    efficace acheté sur le conseil de mon medecin , le seul bémol rien est écrit en Français bref celanous permet de revoir l anglais

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    Bio-Kult Advanced, probiótico con fórmula multicepa para el sistema digestivo – 60 Cápsulas
    Bio-Kult Advanced, probiótico con fórmula multicepa para el sistema digestivo – 60 Cápsulas

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